A Guide to Everything You Need to Know About THC-O

Cannabis herb

THC-O, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol-oxidized, is a metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. It is created when THC is exposed to oxygen and can be found in the urine of people who have recently used cannabis. THC-O is the most abundant metabolite of THC and is widely used in drug testing to detect recent cannabis use. If you are looking to gain more insight into what THC-O is, you have landed on the right article.

What Is THC-O? 

THC-O is a fat-soluble compound, meaning it is stored in fat cells and can remain in the body for an extended period. As a result, it is often used in drug testing to detect recent cannabis use, as it can remain in the body for up to a month after use. THC-O testing is often used in place of THC testing, as it is more accurate and less likely to be affected by other substances.

In addition to its use in drug testing, THC-O is also being studied for its potential therapeutic benefits. Research has shown that THC-O has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-nausea properties, and may be beneficial in treating a variety of medical conditions. Studies are ongoing, and more research is needed to determine the effects of THC-O on the body.

Overall, THC-O is a metabolite of THC that is produced when THC is exposed to oxygen. It is widely used in drug testing to detect recent cannabis use and is also being studied for its potential therapeutic benefits.

Benefits of THC-O

1. Reduced Risk of False Positives: THC-O testing is more reliable than THC testing, as it is less likely to be affected by other substances. This reduces the risk of false positives in drug tests.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Studies have shown that THC-O has anti-inflammatory properties, which may be beneficial in treating a variety of medical conditions.

3. Anti-Anxiety Properties: THC-O has also been found to have anti-anxiety properties, which may help to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Anti-Nausea Properties: THC-O has also been found to have anti-nausea properties, which may be beneficial in treating nausea and vomiting.

Overall, THC-O has a variety of potential benefits, both for medical purposes and drug testing.

What Are the Effects of THC-O?

The effects of THC-O vary from person to person, depending on factors such as the amount and frequency of use, the method of consumption, and the individual’s metabolism. Generally, THC-O can produce a range of effects, including relaxation, euphoria, enhanced sensory perception, altered time perception, and increased appetite. Additionally, it can also cause negative effects such as anxiety, paranoia, and memory loss. It is important to note that THC-O can be habit-forming, so it is important to use caution when using this compound.

Go Slow When Taking THC-O

As with any substance, it is important to go slow when taking THC-O to reduce the risk of negative side effects. Start with a low dose and increase gradually until the desired effects are achieved. It is also important to remember that THC-O can stay in the system for several days, so it is important to be aware of how much is taken and when. Finally, it is important to remember to practice safe consumption habits when using THC-O, such as avoiding driving or operating heavy machinery.


In conclusion, THC-O is a highly potent form of THC found in cannabis. It is produced when THC is exposed to oxygen, creating a variety of compounds including THC-O. THC-O is known to be more powerful than THC, providing a stronger psychoactive effect. It can also be more difficult to dose and is more likely to cause adverse reactions in users. As a result, it is important to be aware of the potential effects of THC-O when using cannabis. Although it can be beneficial, it should be used with caution and under the guidance of a medical professional.

If you are looking for a CBD store in NYC, shop at Divine Hemps. We have a range of products that range from organically grown CBD, delta 8, and THC-O products such as tinctures, gummies and vape. Check out our selection today!



Charlie Thompson

Charlie Thompson is an expert cannabis botanist and a plantsman who believes that our lives revolve around plants and that a person can create the healthiest version of himself by exploring the power of plants. Charlie, who's the Chief Editor at Divine Hemps suggests that choosing the right CBD product is as crucial as getting the right form of treatment for your ailment. He closely works with the team of Divine Hemps and helps them create unique formulations of CBD that are tailored to customer's needs and are safe, pure, and lab-tested.

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